torsdag 1 september 2016

In 2014 while working and studies, I got a major spasm, it felt like epiphytic fit, but I was fully aware of it. I managed to dial for a ambulance, still shaking like a leaf, my Co workers helped me to the ambulance. At ER they did ct head and found nothing. After that I rested a week, got 2 major flu. Some months later at work, my head started to spin,  my hands shaking. My Co worker sent me to ER again. They ran tests high and low. Nothing. All fine until new year, until I got sinus problems. Dikofenak and rest. After that I got an ulcer, waiting from may 2015 until Oct,  just to get my gastroskopy. It was hell having the pain. After meds I was fine for 7 days. Went back to my gp, said it doesn't feel right. He told me it was probably anxiety. Story is long, stay tune.....

onsdag 31 augusti 2016

Journey of hell started over a year ago, with the Swedish health care.  Here I will write my journey through a negative health care system. Both pros and cons. The battle for my health.